Still got GA on my mind.

I quickly scrawled this out back in April while “relaxing” and hadn’t thought much of it.
Surprisingly, this large doodle resonated with me more strongly than anything I had been working on. It has remained unfortunately relevant for painfully obvious reasons; hence the repost. Truth be told, the only time I was ever there was as a child when my dad drove down to Florida for a vacation. Practically speaking the state of Georgia has never really crossed my mind except when hearing Ray Charles or Dr. John playing Hoagie Carmichael’s 1930 classic, or when when thinking about William Tecumseh Sherman’s hellacious March to the Sea in late 1864.

I’m over in Prague fretting about the senate runoff election happening now in Georgia amidst all of the dizzying poisonous disinformation that’s shrilling around it. Here it’s almost 11pm due to the six hour time difference. I’ll be asleep when(if) any results come in and whatever fallout that emanates from them start echoing through the chaos that’s brewing in D.C. for tomorrow’s Electoral Vote Count.

Got Georgia on My Mind
-frenzied scribble

Most of us are also concerned about this. A disturbing cohort actually seems to be looking forward to as much chaos and bloodshed as can be summoned.
Please let this craziness subside.

Until then …

Update: it’s 10am here in Prague (4am in Georgia) and I see that Raphael Warnock defeated Kelly Loeffler a few hours ago!

The Persistence of Cat Clouds Cloud the Elision of the Clouds of All That Other Stuff

Unsuccessfully Trying to Ignore Our Cats in graphite.
This was supposed to be just a warm up with focusing solely on S curves and gradients.

No cats.
Apparently, I lost on multiple fronts here.

That “other stuff” being eluded is still there blossoming and insists on being dealt with. God knows, I’m wrestling with figuring out how they might be embraced and expressed to the extent that I find myself not able to post anything while futzing over them.

So .., for now, the cats win. Yay 😀.

I’m going back to futzing.