I’m finally getting enough coordination back to be able to embrace doodles and sketches again with some of the wonder and curiosity that they deserve.

-graphite and oil pencil
I’ve missed these.
Let’s see where this goes and how long it lasts 🙃
… of sorts of images and attempted survival (of sorts)
I’m finally getting enough coordination back to be able to embrace doodles and sketches again with some of the wonder and curiosity that they deserve.
I’ve missed these.
Let’s see where this goes and how long it lasts 🙃
In a few days the state of emergency is going to be lifted here in Prague.
I’m not sure 🤔 what that precisely entails. As far as I understand, some businesses where social distance can be maintained (e.g. not hairdressers and nail salons) will reopen and outdoor activities will be pretty much unrestricted providing limits on group size and density.
It seems most people in Prague have embraced a pretty sober respect for the severity and uncertainty of the pandemic. Whatever the official rules will be after lifting the S.O.E., I imagine that everyone is going to stay hyper aware of the things they are orbiting.
Personally, I’ve only been out a few (3 or 4) times for necessities since the quarantine started in mid-March. Yesterday we resupplied on a lot of groceries at Koloniál Sova, a mostly “bring your own containers” shop that is dedicated to local BIO and international fair trade products. As the S.O.E. is still in place until next week, I do not feel comfortable loitering outside and sketching (that’s my “thang” and I deeply appreciate all of the other urban sketchers who have made the similar judgement calls for having done so).
Being out and about in the wilds of Michle was exhilarating after being cooped up for so long. Fortunately we had to wait outside the shop for about 45 seconds for the customer inside to finish. For me, that was a great chance to pull out a pocket A6 sketchbook and scribble a sketch without being encumbered by the possibility of futzing over it. Hopefully, I can bring that spirit of spontaneity home with me and stop preening over and fussing my sketches to death 🤞🏼.
I really do need to loosen up.
FWIW, I am not at all sponsored by Koloniál Sova; I just really think it’s a neighborhood gem 🙂