Bohemian Quarantine (Day 9)

We’re on the ninth day of quarantine here in Prague. Mostly it’s “self quarantine,” but it is pretty strict. We’re allowed to go out only for necessities (grocery shopping, medical needs, walking dogs, etc.) and everyone has to wear masks while outside. Like everywhere, real masks have been hoarded so everyone’s improvising. I saw one man at the grocery store sporting a World War One era gas mask. Wish I had me one of those.
The world of Urban Sketching has moved into quarantine as well #uskathome. Until recently, I’ve been too busy to join in as I’ve been preoccupied with:

  • moving my English lessons online
  • figuring out the host of other living with corona logistics that most of us are dealing with
  • realizing that I probably should’ve gone with instead of
  • and not feeling well. (don’t worry, it’s MS, not Covid-19)
  • etc

to join in.
Now that we’re more or less settled I’m going to try to post a sketch of Prague as seen from our flat everyday.
this one is a view of Spořilov and Zahradní Místo as seen from the window next to my drawing table in our living room. The empty building in the foreground is an abandoned and gutted concrete blob that sometimes serves as the site for guerrilla techno parties.

Well Ain’t That Something.

Friday Morning Sketch Over Coffee and Breakfast

I’ve been torn about launching this webpage dedicated to my art. In particular about how much I should alert any viewers that my struggle with multiple sclerosis is somehow undoubtedly going to assert its relevance into it. How to segregate the two? If they absolutely gotta coexist, how best to compartmentalize them so folks who aren’t interested in being confronted with one of them can …

Corona virus 😳
Pandemic 😱
Quarantine 😷

Okay … now everything just got even more complicated. Guess I just need to just post and launch and hope that MS doesn’t get too obtrusive.

Heading Into Quarantine

Gonna try to post a gallery of sorts as soon as I can. Hopefully tomorrow.
Try to stay safe 😷.